Human Good


            1. Human good is dead works — Hebrews 6:1.

            2. Human good will not save mankind — Titus 3:5; Ephesians 2:8,9.

            3. Human good is not acceptable to God ever — Isaiah 64:6; Romans 8:8.

            4. Human good is condemned by God — 1 Corinthians 3:11-16; Ecclesiastes 12:14.

            5. Human good is the basis of judgement:

                        a) In the unbeliever at the last judgement (Great White Throne) — Revelation 20:11-15.

                        b) In the believer at the Judgement Seat of Christ — 1 Corinthians 3:11-16; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Romans 14:10.

            6. Human good is a product of the old sin nature (carnal) — Isaiah 64:6a.

            7. Human good was rejected at the cross (human works are never accepted for redemption) and accumulated human good — will be burned at the Judgement Seat of Christ — 1 Corinthians 3:11-16.

                        a) Divine good: Gold, silver and precious stones. In fellowship rewarded.

                        b) Human good: Wood, hay, and stubble — carnality: burned.

            8. Psalm 18:2 — David says human good is not included in the plan of God. God is so great that He does not rely on our human good or anything we can do.

            9. Grace depends on who and what God is and there is no room for human good in His plan.

            10. Human good is not categorised as sin, although it is just as unacceptable to God. Human good is different from sin in that human good does not involve a moral issue. Giving money, for example, to a local church would not be classed as sin, but if the person were unsaved it would be human good. If it were a believer out of fellowship it would be human good.

            11. Human good is actually religion — a person either working his way into heaven (an impossibility) or a believer thinking human good is acceptable.

            12. Human good is not confessed as sin. It is taken care of by staying in fellowship. When in fellowship divine good is produced.

            13. Human good is actually a Satanic concept: One of the greatest exhibits of the cunning nature of Satan is the promotion of his doctrine through the social gospel, concepts of world peace, internationalism, economic ventures, “do-gooder”, doing good in the name of good, and religious endeavours — 2 Thessalonians 2:9; 1 Timothy 4:1ff. Satan would love to abolish war — and get the credit for it.

            14. A distinction must be made between human good and morality. Morality does not save, however morality is a by-product of Christianity. Morality is for the orderly function of the human race under the four divine institutions (volition, marriage, family, nationalism).

            15. Thus morality is designed by God for the continuance of the human race in the Angelic Conflict — and protects human freedom as a basis for response to evangelism. Whereas morality is not condemned in this capacity — human good is always condemned.

            16. Morality minus spirituality causes legalism, religionism, self-righteousness and hypocrisy in the believer.

            17. The answer to human good is divine good. Divine good is produced in the believer in three ways: (Through Bible doctrine)

                        a) The filling of the Spirit — Galatians 5:22-23.

                        b) From the exhale of Bible doctrine from the human spirit — Ephesians 4:23ff; Luke 2:40-52.

                        c) From the erection of the edification complex of the soul — John 1:14.

            18. One of the great themes of the Bible is good versus good. Human good versus divine good. Satan produces human good, God produces divine good.